I was directed earlier this week by the always wonderful Katie Smith to the Time Shift programme on BBC 4 about postcards. Titled “The Picture Postcard world of Nigel Walmsley” it's a nice little jaunt though the history and uses of the postcard. Do forgive it's beginning and apparent grumpy old man character, it soon warms up and is filled with all sorts of nuggets of information, including some I didn't know.
Running the history of the postcard from it's heyday in 1902 to 1919 (ish), delving into the variety of cards available, talking about collecting, the resurgence of card usage in the 1960's to 1980's as well as a fair sprinkling of information about postcards as art, which is always something I enjoy (though I'll take mail art over Gilbert and George any day), it covers the social issues and changes throughout this century.
Also worth a look is the postcard blog from Daniel Weir which can only be described as a celebration of John Hinde and a huge nostalgia trip. Not only do I adore the aesthetic qualities in a John Hinde postcard but the subjects covered are hugely reminiscent and often downright exact to how I remember my summer holidays growing up and never stepping foot outside the UK.
It also finally forced me to start the process of archiving my own collection. But I'm not sure any of those will end up online for all to see. After a day of work I've scanned 60 and am currently trying to put those first 60 in a database.
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